Darryl C. De Vivo, MD

Organisation: The New York Presbyterian Hospital College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University The Neurolocical Institute Ansprechpartner: Darryl C. De Vivo, MD Sydney Carter Professor of Neurology Anschrift: 710 West 168th Street; New York, NY10032 / USA...

Eric H. Kossoff, MD

Organisation: The Pediatric Epilepsy Center Departments of Neurology and Pediatrics Jefferson 128 The Hopkins Hospital Ansprechpartner: Eric H. Kossoff, MD Anschrift: 600 North Wolfe Street; Baltimore, MD 21287-1000 / USA Telefon: ++1/410/614-6054 Telefax:...

Dr. Gabriele Wohlrab

Organisation: Universitäts-Kinderklinik Zürich Neurophysiologische und Neuropädiatrische Abteilung Ansprechpartner: Dr. Gabriele Wohlrab Anschrift: Steinwiesstraße 75; CH-8032 Zürich Telefon: ++41/1/266-7701 Telefax: ++41/1/266-7165 Email:...

Dr. Michel Willemsen

Organisation: University Medical Center Nijmegen Department of Pediatric Neurology Ansprechpartner: Dr. Michel Willemsen Anschrift: P.O. Box 9101; NL-6500 HB Nijmegen Telefon: ++31/24/3614654 Telefax: ++31/24/3617018 Email:...