Förderverein Glukosetransporter(GLUT1)-Defekt e.V.
c/o Dr. Maria Barthel
Stolzenhagener Str. 17
12679 Berlin
mobil: 01732445277 (Dr. Maria Barthel)
Tel: 089 89068260 (Sonja Ritter)
1. Vorsitzende: Dr. Maria Barthel
2. Vorsitzende: Sonja Ritter
Schatzmeister: Andreas Waehnert
Vereinsregister: Amtsgericht Bremen VR 6181
Link disclaimer
The district court of Hamburg has decided in the judgment 312 O 85/98 "liability for links" that by anchoring a link on a website / homepage, the contents of the linked pages are to blame. We expressly dissociate ourselves from all content that is hidden behind the specified links, the servers behind them, links, guest books and all other visible and invisible content. Should one of the pages on the respective servers violate applicable law, we are not aware of this. Upon notification, the link to the corresponding server will of course be removed.
Our website and the information provided will be subject to careful review and regular updates. In this regard, however, no guarantee can be given as to the completeness, accuracy or timeliness of the information. This includes especially direct or indirect links to other websites. The content of the linked pages are the sole responsibility of their operators.
Copyright 2003
The copyright for published objects, created by Förderverein Glukosetransporter (GLUT1) defect e.V., remains solely with the author of the pages. Reproduction or use of such graphics and texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without the express consent of the Förderverein Glukosetransporter (GLUT1) defect e.V.